How to Find the Right Wrongful Conviction Lawyer for Your Case

Experienced Civil Rights Lawyers Assist Those Who Have Had Their Wrongful Convictions Overturned

If you have been the victim of a wrongful conviction that was obtained through misconduct or other bad acts by the police, prosecutors, or other individuals, you deserve to seek justice that not only includes obtaining your release from prison and your exoneration, but also accountability from those responsible for your wrongful conviction. Successfully pursuing relief from a wrongful conviction is incredibly complex and requires experienced legal representation. It is important to understand that legal assistance in a wrongful conviction case involves two types of attorneys. Pre-exoneration, you will need criminal defense lawyers well-versed in the legal avenues for overturning a wrongful conviction. Once you have been exonerated and released from prison, if you want to hold officials accountable for your conviction, you will need a civil rights attorney to help you pursue a civil lawsuit for financial compensation.

At Marrone Law Firm, LLC, our legal team can help you with a civil suit for accountability and justice against those whose misconduct resulted in your wrongful conviction after you have obtained your exoneration and release from prison. 

Contact us for a free case review and to speak with a wrongful conviction lawyer from our team. We can discuss how Marrone Law Firm may be able to help you obtain justice for the harm you have endured. This may come in the form of financial compensation that can help you reclaim your life following release after exoneration. 

How The Marrone Law Firm Helped Walter Ogrod Get Justice After Incarceration for a Wrongful Conviction

Tips for How to Find the Right Wrongful Conviction Lawyer For Your Case

Pursuing a wrongful conviction case following your exoneration and release is incredibly difficult. Evidence to prove the fault of some party for your wrongful conviction is often hard to find, and government officials typically enjoy broad immunity from civil lawsuits arising from actions those officials took under the authority of their office. For these reasons, you need a lawyer with experience in representing clients harmed by wrongful convictions. 

Some of the characteristics you may want to look for when choosing a wrongful conviction lawyer include:

  • Experience in litigating wrongful conviction claims.
  • An attorney who takes a personal interest in seeing that you receive justice for what you have had to endure.
  • Personalized attention and prompt communication, including taking the time to go over the details of your case, the strengths and weaknesses of your legal claims, and what you should expect throughout each stage of the proceedings.
  • A compassionate approach to helping you feel more comfortable sharing the difficult details of your experience.
  • An attorney who has the time and resources needed to thoroughly pursue every aspect of your claim.
  • Insight into what you have lost so that you receive fair and full compensation in your case.

Although many wrongful conviction lawyers will work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you do not have to pay your lawyer unless and until they secure compensation in your case, some attorneys will want to work on another fee arrangement basis.

In addition, you will need to sort out how to support yourself while you pursue your legal claim. You may be able to turn to litigation funding resources to help cover rent and other basic expenses or to help pay for the costs of your case. In a true litigation funding arrangement, you are not receiving a loan. Instead, the funding company is purchasing a portion of whatever compensation you may win in your wrongful conviction lawsuit. If you ultimately do not recover any compensation, you owe nothing to the funding company, which bears all the risk of your legal claim not being successful. 

Questions to Ask When Considering How to Find the Right Wrongful Conviction Lawyer for Your Case

Most wrongful conviction lawyers will offer a free consultation to discuss the basic details of your case. The consultation is also an opportunity for you to ask questions of the lawyer you are considering for your case. Some of the questions you should ask include:

  • What is your experience with handling wrongful conviction cases? How many cases have you handled? How many cases have you taken to trial? What is your success rate?
  • How long do you expect it will take to receive compensation in my case?
  • What is your fee structure? Will I owe anything if you do not win my case?
  • What losses or damages can I recover compensation for?

Contact Marrone Law Firm, LLC to Learn More about How We Can Help Following Your Exoneration or Release from a Wrongful Conviction

Philadelphia Wrongful Conviction Attorney

If you’ve obtained an exoneration from your wrongful conviction that resulted from the misconduct of others, call or contact an experienced Philadelphia civil rights attorney from Marrone Law Firm, LLC today for a free, confidential consultation to discuss your rights and options for pursuing accountability and justice from those responsible for wrongfully putting you behind bars.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Convictions And More On How An Experienced Attorney Can Help