Philadelphia Wrongful Conviction Lawyers

Were You Exonerated from a Crime in Pennsylvania or New Jersey?

Dedicated Attorneys Help Exonerees of Wrongful Convictions Seek Financial Compensation and Justice in Philadelphia

Being released from incarceration and regaining your freedom, after proving that you were wrongfully convicted and innocent of your charges, is a joyous occasion. But if you learn that your conviction may have been caused by recklessness or official misconduct by law enforcement officials and prosecutors involved in your case, it can leave you feeling angry and helpless at the notion that the time you lost in prison was completely avoidable. If gross negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct by police and prosecutors led to your exoneration for a wrongful conviction, you may be entitled to seek financial compensation to help you recover and put your life back together after having spent time in jail or prison for a crime you didn’t commit. At Marrone Law Firm, our Philadelphia wrongful conviction lawyers can help you to pursue accountability and justice for the ordeal you have had to go through after being exonerated for a wrongful conviction and having to fight to clear your name and secure your freedom.

We know that it can be difficult to trust the legal system again after it has already failed you. Let our dedicated, compassionate attorneys fight on your behalf to hold those whose reckless or willful actions led to your wrongful conviction accountable. Our experienced and skilled litigators are ready to work hard to pursue the justice you are entitled to.

Call or contact us today for a free initial case review to speak with our knowledgeable Philadelphia wrongful conviction lawyers about the details of your case and to learn more about how our firm may be able to help you seek financial compensation from parties whose misconduct was responsible for your wrongful conviction and incarceration. 

Philadelphia Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU)

The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office’s Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) investigates and reviews convicted offenders’ legitimate claims of innocence and wrongful conviction. It has become one of the largest and most active in the country by developing a police misconduct database and office-wide policies that aim to prevent the errors of past wrongful convictions from being repeated.

To learn more, download the self-assessment report released by the District Attorney’s Office, titled “Overturning Convictions — and an Era,” (link below) that details the CIU’s work, their mission, the review process, criteria, and more.

What Can You Be Compensated for If You Were Wrongfully Convicted in Philadelphia

Although no amount of money can give you back the months or years of freedom and time with friends and family that you may have lost while wrongfully convicted and incarcerated for a crime you didn’t commit, seeking financial compensation from those parties whose misconduct led to your wrongful conviction can help give you some measure of justice for the harm you have suffered. In a wrongful conviction claim, you may be entitled to seek compensation for:

  • Physical injury that may have been inflicted by excessive force employed by law enforcement officers
  • Lost income and earning potential caused by your incarceration, including from time spent out of the workforce or from the stigma of incarceration that can affect your ability to seek employment
  • Emotional distress
  • Punitive damages, which can punish officials who engaged in willful misconduct that resulted in your wrongful conviction

Our experienced Philadelphia wrongful conviction lawyers can review the details of your case and help you understand what recovery you may be entitled to.

Marrone Law Firm Can Help You Hold Officials Responsible for Misconduct That Led to Your Wrongful Conviction

The Philadelphia wrongful conviction lawyers of Marrone Law Firm have the experience and tenacity to help you pursue justice and accountability after you’ve been the victim of a wrongful criminal conviction that was caused by recklessness or willful misconduct such as:

  • Violations of civil rights, including unlawful and unconstitutional searches of your person, vehicle, or home, illegal intercepts of phone calls, text messages, or emails, illegal recording of private conversations, or illegal and harassing surveillance.
  • Willful misconduct by police and law enforcement investigators, including coercing confessions, using duress or undue influence to procure false testimony from witnesses, fabricating evidence, falsifying police reports, or destroying or disposing of exculpatory evidence or intentionally failing to turn such evidence over to you as required by law.
  • Malicious prosecution, including pursuing criminal prosecution against you due to personal animus by law enforcement or prosecutors, or on account of your race, ethnicity, national origin, religious beliefs, etc.
  • Prosecutorial misconduct, including failing to turn over exculpatory evidence, or continuing to pursue prosecution despite a lack of probable cause.

You can trust that our firm will thoroughly investigate the underlying facts and circumstances of your case where evidence indicates that officials may have engaged in reckless behavior or misconduct in your prosecution. Police, prosecutors, and judges enjoy broad immunity from many types of civil claims. That’s why you need experienced and knowledgeable legal representation to help guide your claim through the complex legal issues to ensure you receive a fair and just result. 

How The Marrone Law Firm Helped Walter Ogrod Get Justice After Years of Incarceration for a Wrongful Conviction

Resources for Victims of Wrongful Conviction in PA

Learn more about how our experienced attorneys can help you pursue a legal claim for compensation in order to obtain some measure of accountability when officials and government entities engaged in misconduct that put you in prison for a crime you did not commit. Check out the resources we have available below, and feel free to contact our firm for more information:

Contact Us Today for a Free Case Evaluation to Learn More about How We Can Help You Pursue Recovery When You Have Been the Victim of a Wrongful Conviction in Philadelphia

Philadelphia Wrongful Conviction Attorney

After you’ve proven your innocence and obtained your release from a wrongful conviction, you deserve to seek accountability and justice from those parties whose recklessness and misconduct led to your wrongful conviction. Speak to our trusted Philadelphia wrongful conviction attorneys about your legal rights and options for pursuing a legal claim against those who may have been at fault for your wrongful conviction.

Contact Marrone Law Firm today for a free, confidential consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Wrongful Conviction in Philadelphia

FAQ: How long do I have to pursue a claim for financial compensation if I was wrongfully convicted due to official misconduct?

The harm that you suffered due to a wrongful conviction is considered to be either a civil rights or personal injury matter, meaning that you typically have two years from the date of your “injury” or “incident” to file a lawsuit to seek compensation. This two-year period is usually measured from the date that you secure your release from a wrongful conviction and discover (or should discover through reasonable diligence) that your conviction was obtained by official misconduct or other legal fault.

FAQ: Who can be held liable if I was wrongfully convicted for a crime?

You may be entitled to pursue a claim for compensation for a wrongful conviction against individual officials who committed acts of gross negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct that led to your conviction and incarceration, such as police officers, law enforcement investigators, or prosecutors. You may also seek to hold the organizations that employ those individuals liable as well, such as police departments, prosecutors’ offices, or municipal or state governments.