Philadelphia Warehouse and Delivery Persons Workplace Accident Lawyer

Seasoned Workplace Accident Lawyers Represent Warehouse and Delivery Persons Injured in Philadelphia, PA

Warehouse and delivery persons face numerous risks of injury during the course of their work. For example, warehouse workers are at risk from being injured by forklifts, heavy equipment, and falling objects. Delivery persons spend long hours on the road and constantly face the risk of injury in motor vehicle accidents or from hazards on the properties where they make deliveries. Unfortunately, some companies fail to implement proper safety equipment and procedures, increasing the risk of injury to warehouse and delivery persons. Further complicating matters, some companies classify their warehouse and delivery persons as independent contractors rather than employees, potentially limiting the options for compensation that an injured warehouse or delivery person can pursue. 

The experienced workplace accident attorneys of Marrone Law Firm, LLC understand that warehouse and delivery persons work hard to perform important services for their companies and for the economy, and that these workers can sometimes face disproportionate risks of injury. If you are a Philadelphia warehouse or delivery person who was injured in a workplace accident, you deserve to obtain compensation for your injuries. Our skilled legal team will vigorously pursue your rights to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation that is available to you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our workplace accident lawyers to learn more about your legal rights and options.

Avenues of Compensation for Warehouse and Delivery Persons Injuries in Philadelphia

When a warehouse or delivery worker is injured in Philadelphia, they may have several avenues of compensation available to them to cover things like medical expenses to treat injuries, lost wages due to time missed from work, or pain and suffering damages. Options for compensation for workplace accident injuries include:

  • Workers’ compensation: Workers’ compensation benefits can be temporary or permanent, depending on whether a worker’s injuries are temporary or permanent. Benefits provide an injured employee with compensation for medical expenses to treat their injuries and with partial wage replacement if they miss work due to their injuries.
  • Social Security disability benefits: An injured worker can apply to the Social Security Administration for disability benefits. Unlike workers’ compensation benefits, it is not necessary for an injured worker to prove his or her injury occurred on the job; however, the injured worker will have to prove that there are no jobs he or she can perform within the mental or physical limitations imposed by his or her injuries. 
  • Personal injury claim: If a worker’s injuries are caused by a third party, such as due to an assault, negligence, or a defective product, the injured worker may be entitled to file a lawsuit for compensation from that third party.

Unfortunately, many warehouse and delivery persons run into complications when pursuing compensation for workplace accident injuries when they discover that their employer has classified them as an independent contractor, which renders them ineligible for workers’ compensation benefits. However, in many cases, the injured worker has been misclassified under Pennsylvania law. This is why it is important to consult with an experienced workplace accident attorney who can determine if you have been misclassified and potentially help you receive workers’ compensation benefits even if your employer claims you are not entitled to them. 

In other cases involving delivery workers in motor vehicle accidents, an employer may try to avoid liability by claiming that the driver was not “on the clock” because he or she was driving to or from work, performing a personal task, or doing something that wasn’t for the benefit of the employer at the time of the crash. An experienced workplace accident attorney can help an injured delivery driver refute these claims to ensure they receive the workers’ compensation benefits they are entitled to.

Workplace Accident Attorneys at Marrone Law Firm, LLC Protect Rights of Injured Philadelphia Warehouse and Delivery Persons

In many cases, a warehouse or delivery worker who is injured in a workplace accident will be entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Employers are required to contribute to the workers’ compensation system to ensure that eligible workers receive benefits in the event of a workplace accident injury. Unfortunately, some companies try to avoid liability for workers’ compensation benefits by misclassifying workers as independent contractors.

The knowledgeable legal team of Marrone Law Firm, LLC have significant experience helping injured warehouse and delivery workers. We will carefully analyze the facts and circumstances of your case to determine whether you should be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits and whether a personal injury lawsuit is also an option to seek compensation when your injury is caused by another person’s or entity’s intentional acts or negligence.

Contact the Experienced Workplace Accident Lawyers of Marrone Law Firm, LLC to Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Compensation for Your Injuries

If you are a Philadelphia warehouse or delivery person who has suffered injuries on the job, our experienced workplace accident attorneys may be able to help you obtain compensation for your injuries. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss your case in more detail and to learn more about how we can help you pursue your options for compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Warehouse and Delivery Person Workplace Accidents

FAQ: What kinds of compensation might I receive if I was injured on someone else’s property while making a delivery?

Delivery workers face the risk of injury when making a delivery to a customer’s property. If you are injured by a hazard on a customer’s property, you may be entitled to pursue a personal injury claim under a theory of premises liability against the property owner. You may be able to seek compensation from the property owner’s insurance, whether it be a homeowner’s insurance policy for a residential property or a commercial general liability policy for a commercial property.

FAQ: What types of injuries might a warehouse worker or delivery person suffer that would entitle them to compensation?

A warehouse or delivery worker can suffer many different kinds of serious injuries, often caused by something as minor as a slip and fall, or sometimes by a more serious accident with heavy equipment or by a motor vehicle accident. Common injuries include broken bones, soft tissue injuries, neck and back injuries, head injuries and traumatic brain injury. More serious injuries can include exposure to toxic substances, crush injuries, and amputation.