Philadelphia Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer

The Marrone Law Firm, LLC Is An Experienced Tractor Trailer Accident Law Firm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Driving on highways around Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania almost always involves sharing the road with semis and 18-wheelers. These large commercial transport trucks are a potentially fatal obstacle for even the most prudent drivers throughout the state.

When cars and tractor trailers are involved in an accident it is always the car and its occupants who lose, often fatally. Even accidents that do not result in loss of life are usually very severe. The consequences of being injured in a collision with a tractor trailer can affect you financially and physically for the rest of your life.

The Marrone Law Firm, LLC works closely with people in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who have been injured in a tractor trailer accident to help them throughout the entire process of legal action. Contact us today for a free consultation about your case.

The Severity of Tractor Trailer Accidents

Trucking companies must adhere to a standard of care in Pennsylvania

Our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania truck accident lawyers have many years of experience with tractor trailer accident cases. We understand that if you are driving a personal vehicle and you are involved in a collision with a tractor trailer, your vehicle will more than likely be outweighed by over 75,000 pounds.

These accidents are among the most severe law enforcement ever sees on the highways of Pennsylvania. 

Reasons for Tractor Trailer Accidents in Pennsylvania 

In Pennsylvania, common examples of negligence that lead to accidents on behalf of the trucking company and their drivers include:

  • Drivers working past their legal hour and mileage limits
  • Drivers being tired or even falling asleep at the wheel
  • The trucking company and the driver knowingly overloading the truck
  • Infrequent or substandard maintenance
  • Breaking state and federal driving laws and other regulations
  • Driving over the posted speed limit
  • Negligent hiring and retention of drivers and maintenance personnel
  • Setting and adhering to dangerous delivery schedules 
  • Use of substandard equipment and equipment failure

The importance of delivery schedules in tractor trailer accidents

While there are strict limits set as to how many hours a driver is allowed to drive a tractor trailer, aggressive or even impossible delivery schedules cause many trucking companies to break the rules. These dangerous delivery schedules impact a commercial truck driver’s sleep patterns and overall hours of sleep and may result in increased distracted driving as well as the use of legal and illegal stimulants and other drugs to help stay on the road.

Tractor Trailer Accidents Are on the Rise

In Pennsylvania and across the nation, tractor trailer accidents are up over 20% in recent years. While collisions involving a tractor trailer and a personal vehicle account for a reasonably small percentage of overall road and highway accidents in the United States, the severity of these accidents cannot be overstated. 

Beware of Insurance Companies and Quick Settlement Offers

Insurance companies work very closely with trucking companies to fight paying compensation to people injured in tractor trailer accidents. Together they work to gather the facts of an accident in the light most favorable to the trucking company and, as part of this process, often make quick settlement offers to people injured by one of the trucking company’s tractor trailers. Never accept a settlement or even discuss your case with an insurance company without the skilled and experienced reputation of a law firm such as The Marrone Law Firm, LLC. 

Contact an Experienced Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney in Philadelphia Today

At The Marrone Law Firm, LLC we have years of experience in all areas of accident and personal injury law. Cases involving tractor trailers can be particularly complex due to the high stakes relationship between large national trucking companies and even larger insurance companies. If you have been injured in a collision with a tractor trailer you should immediately contact us

Frequently Asked Questions About Tractor Trailer Accident Lawsuits in Philadelphia

I was in an accident with a tractor trailer and the insurance company made a very small settlement offer. Is my case really worth so little?

Probably not. To be in a collision with a tractor trailer is entering a new world for drivers of personal vehicles. These huge trucking companies have their own teams of lawyers, insurance adjusters, and claims investigators. Their job is to win, not to be fair to you, or convey anywhere near a realistic and accurate compensation figure. The Marrone Law Firm, LLC will fight for your rights and give you a clear picture of where you stand according to the law and the facts of your case.

Is it possible to be compensated for my lost wages as well as pain and suffering in an accident with a tractor trailer?

Yes. Pain and suffering and lost wages are only two of the categories in which you may seek compensation if you have been in a collision with a tractor trailer. Contact the Law Offices of Mark A. Smith today and we can review the details of your case.