Philadelphia Office Worker Workplace Accident Lawyer

Compassionate Workplace Accident Attorneys Represent Officers Workers Injured in Philadelphia

Although white-collar offices seem like a safe place to work, with other jobs in industries like construction, manufacturing, law enforcement and firefighting, and healthcare having higher risks of injury, office workers still have a risk of injury on the job. Like all other workers, office workers have a reasonable expectation that their workplace will be safe and free of hazards. When an office worker suffers a workplace injury, especially due to a hazardous condition at the office, they may be entitled to compensation for their medical expenses incurred to treat their injuries, lost wages due to work missed because of injuries, and pain and suffering. In other cases where an office worker suffers an injury due to a third party’s intentional acts or negligence, the injured worker may be entitled to seek compensation from the tortfeasor through a personal injury claim. 

The workplace accident attorneys of Marrone Law Firm, LLC understand that office workers are typically not among the kinds of workers who are injured on the job and therefore need compensation. That is why our legal team strives to ensure that you receive the compensation that you are entitled to, even if your employer was never expecting to receive a claim for compensation for injuries suffered in a workplace accident. Our skilled workplace accident lawyers will fight to get you the maximum compensation available to you for your injuries. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal rights and options.

Ways to Recover Compensation for Office Worker Injuries

At a minimum, an office worker injured in a workplace accident will most likely be entitled to pursue compensation through their employer’s workers’ compensation policy. All employers are required to provide workers’ compensation benefits to eligible employees who are injured on the job. Workers’ compensation provides benefits such as covering medical treatment for work-related injuries, along with partial wage replacement if those injuries keep the worker from being able to work. 

In addition to workers’ compensation, an injured office worker may be eligible to apply for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration to provide some wage replacement if they are unable to work due to their injuries.

Finally, depending on the circumstances of your injury, you may also be entitled to pursue a personal injury claim if your injury was caused due to someone’s intentional acts or negligence, such as:

  • Motor vehicle accidents: Some office workers are required to drive as part of their work duties, such as driving between separate offices. When an office worker is injured in a motor vehicle accident cause by another driver’s negligence while driving as part of their job duties or at the direction of their superiors, the office worker may be entitled to pursue a personal injury claim against the negligent driver.
  • Defective products: Many kinds of office equipment may be defective in their design or manufacture and can cause injury to an office worker. When this happens, the injured worker may have a products liability claim against the manufacturer and/or retailer.
  • Premises liability: When an office worker is injured due to a hazardous condition at the office when his or her employer doesn’t own the property (such as is common for multi-tenant office buildings and skyscrapers), the injured worker might have a premises liability claim against the building’s or property’s owner if the owner had control over the hazardous condition.

Our workplace accident lawyers can evaluate the circumstances of your case and advise you as to the possible avenues of compensation available to you.

Workplace Accident Lawyers at Marrone Law Firm, LLC Fight for the Rights of Injured Philadelphia, PA Office Workers

In most cases, an office worker injured in a workplace accident will be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits under Pennsylvania law. Depending on the circumstances of his or her injury, an injured office worker may be able to pursue other avenues of compensation as well. At Marrone Law Firm, LLC, our workplace accident attorneys will review the facts and circumstances of your case to confirm whether you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits and determine if you may be eligible to pursue other sources of compensation for your injuries as well.

Call the Experienced Workplace Accident Attorneys of Marrone Law Firm, LLC for Assistance with Recovering Compensation for Office Worker Injuries in Philadelphia, PA

The dedicated workplace accident lawyers of Marrone Law Firm, LLC understand that pursuing compensation for injuries suffered in an office worker workplace accident can be made more complicated when multiple avenues for compensation are available to the injured worker. Our legal team is ready to put our experience to work for you to help you understand your legal rights and options. If you are a Philadelphia office worker who has been injured in a workplace accident, contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can fight for you to ensure that you receive fair and full compensation for your injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions About Office Worker Workplace Accidents

FAQ: What kinds of injuries might an office worker suffer that would entitle them to compensation?

An office worker can sustain many different kinds of injuries on the job, ranging from more minor injuries such as lacerations, burns, and repetitive stress injuries, to more severe injuries caused by accidents involving motor vehicles or equipment, such as broken bones, soft tissue injuries, spinal cord injuries, neck and back injuries, head injuries and traumatic brain injuries, and exposure to toxins and disease-causing bacteria due to poor sanitation of common areas or common systems like an office’s HVAC system.

FAQ: Do I need a lawyer if I am an office worker that was injured on the job?

Having an attorney when you are an office worker injured on the job may be critical if your employer tries to disclaim liability to provide you with workers’ compensation benefits. For example, if you were injured in a motor vehicle accident or in a slip-and-fall accident in the common areas of your office building, your employer may try to argue that you were not “on the clock” when your injury occurred. A lawyer can help you prove that your injury occurred in the course and scope of your employment and that you are therefore entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. In addition, you may also have a viable personal injury claim against a third-party, which a lawyer can identify for you and help you to pursue.