Philadelphia Vehicle Rollover Accident Lawyer

The Marrone Law Firm, LLC is a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Law Firm Experienced in Vehicle Rollover Cases

Every day on the highways of Pennsylvania and throughout the nation, vehicle rollover accidents cause horrific injuries and death. Because the roads of Pennsylvania connect not only our own major cities, but the entire mid-Atlantic and Northeast corridors, our roads, highways, and the turnpike are always extremely busy and filled with many out-of-state drivers who often do not exercise the care we expect of Pennsylvania drivers. 

When a passenger vehicle rolls over, turns onto its side, or flips upside down, occupants of the vehicle endure very serious injuries. The most common serious injuries that our experienced vehicle rollover accident attorneys see involve severe burns, traumatic brain injuries, cuts and wounds, broken limbs and loss of limbs, spinal cord injuries, internal bleeding, and organ damage. 

The Marrone Law Firm, LLC works closely with families in Philadelphia and throughout PA who have been injured in vehicle rollover accidents to help them navigate through the complicated legal process to get them the financial compensation they need and deserve. Contact an experienced Philadelphia vehicle rollover accident lawyer at our firm today for a free consultation about your case.

Causes of Vehicle Rollover Accidents in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

As an experienced vehicle rollover accident law firm, The Marrone Law Firm, LLC regularly sees three main categories of vehicle rollover accidents. These three categories cover the most common causes of vehicle rollovers:

Driver Error: Vehicle rollover accidents caused by drivers take many forms. These range from divers being tired, insufficiently alert, distracted, or even falling asleep behind the wheel. These types of accidents are far more common than most people would imagine on roads and highways around Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania. When another driver commits these critical driving errors, their vehicle can collide with yours, cursing it to rollover, or it may put you in a position where you need to make an evasive maneuver which causes your vehicle to rollover. 

Defective Roads: Pennsylvania has four distinct seasons, unlike many states. Difficult winters can wreak havoc on our roads, causing deep potholes and uneven gradients that are often the causes of vehicle rollovers. A vehicle rollover can be caused by the road defect itself or through the necessity of swerving around the defect. 

Defective Vehicles or Parts: Each year car manufacturers recall vehicles for safety reasons. Many of these defects have been known to cause vehicle rollovers. Other vehicle defects could be due to poor design of the vehicle or defects in the car’s parts, such as brakes and tires.

Potential Damages in a Philadelphia Vehicle Rollover Accident Case

Never speak to an insurance company if you or a loved one has been injured in a vehicle rollover. Insurance companies, as well as their adjusters and lawyers, have as their singular goal to pay you far less than your claim is worth. This is why it is so critical for you to speak with an experienced vehicle rollover law firm as soon as possible.

In a vehicle rollover case, as in any accident involving a motor vehicle, the specific facts of your case are unique and may differ dramatically or subtly from other accident cases on our roads. 

If you have been injured in a vehicle rollover accident, you may be able to file a lawsuit and win damages in your case. Potential damages in a vehicle rollover case include financial compensation for your:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Past, current, and future health care expenses
  • Emotional distress
  • Repair or replacement of the vehicle in issue
  • Lost wages
  • Court costs and legal fees
  • Disability, including medical devices, accommodations, and lost earnings

In many cases, you may also seek punitive damages.

Contact an Experienced Vehicle Rollover Accident Attorney in Philadelphia Today

It is critically important that if you or a loved one has been injured in a vehicle rollover accident that you contact a law firm experienced in vehicle rollover accidents. At the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, we have worked with many clients who have been in vehicle rollovers and other automobile accidents. Contact an experienced Philadelphia vehicle rollover accident lawyer today for a free consultation about your case.

Frequently Asked Questions About Vehicle Rollover Lawsuits in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I was in a vehicle rollover accident and didn’t think I was injured. But in the weeks since the accident, my condition has become much worse. Is it possible that I still have a claim?

Yes. While anyone involved in an automobile accident should immediately seek medical attention – even when it appears that you may not be seriously injured at the time. If you feel your conditioning worsening, see a physician for help and to document your injuries, and please contact us today.

After being involved in a vehicle rollover accident, I find that my emotional and mental condition is worsening. Can I seek damages for this?

Yes. This is a very normal part of sustaining an injury in an automobile accident and can impact you for the rest of your life if you are unable to afford proper treatment. When you have been injured in a vehicle rollover accident, The Marrone Law Firm, LLC can help you get the compensation you legally deserve for your physical and emotional injuries.