Lyft Accidents in Philadelphia, PA

Ridesharing companies such as Lyft have made getting around Philadelphia so much easier. But this convenience comes with a price.

With more Lyft drivers on the road, problems have arisen when it comes to getting compensation in a car accident involving one of these ridesharing drivers.

The way the law treats Lyft drivers is different from a regular automobile driver as well as a commercial transportation driver, such as someone who works for a taxi cab company.

This creates complexities and gaps that can potentially leave victims in a ridesharing car accident unable to obtain compensation for their injuries or damages to their vehicle.

If you find yourself in this situation, consider reaching out to one of our attorneys at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC. Our award-winning attorneys can help you sort through the legal and contractual confusion to get you the compensation you deserve.

What You Need to Do if You Get into a Lyft Accident in Philadelphia, PA

Whether you’re a Lyft driver or find yourself involved in an accident with a Lyft driver, you need to do several things following an accident:

  1. Check to see if anyone is injured. If someone is hurt, dial 9-1-1 immediately. If an injury seems minor and you’re not sure if calling 9-1-1 is necessary, call it anyways.
  2. Even if no one is injured, it’s a good idea to call for a police officer. A Philadelphia city police officer or a Pennsylvania State Trooper will be helpful to prevent any problems at the scene and to create an accident report.
  3. Exchange information. This means getting the contact and insurance information of anyone else involved in the accident. 
  4. Gather evidence. Make note of any witnesses to the accident and obtain their names and contact information, Also, take pictures with your smartphone of the accident scene and vehicles involved.

If you are a Lyft driver who is involved in a car accident, you’ll have the additional step of notifying Lyft of the accident. If you’re not a Lyft driver, you’ll still want to inform your car insurance company about the crash. 

If you think criminal charges may be headed your way or that you might be at least partially liable for the accident, it may be a good idea to talk to an attorney before notifying Lyft or your car insurance company.

What Makes a Philadelphia, PA Lyft Accident Different?

Getting into an accident with a Lyft driver or as a Lyft driver is unique in two main ways.

First, Lyft drivers are not employees of Lyft. While this fact is subject to some legal debate, it means that for the most part, Lyft will not usually be legally responsible for the negligence of its drivers. So if you get into an accident with a Lyft driver who caused your accident, your only source of recovery will be from that driver.

Second, there may not be car insurance coverage to compensate you or anyone else hurt in the accident. When you’re driving for personal reasons, you have your personal car insurance policy. This provides liability coverage if you cause an accident and harm someone else.

But Lyft drivers can’t normally rely on their personal car insurance policy for legal protection. That’s because most personal car insurance policies will specifically exclude commercial activity from coverage. And all car insurance companies will consider driving someone else for a fee as a commercial activity.

To get around this, some states such as Pennsylvania, have enacted laws that require companies like Lyft to provide minimum coverage to its drivers. Unfortunately, this coverage may not be enough to fully protect everyone harmed in a Lyft car accident.

Luckily, Pennsylvania has several car insurance companies that can provide special rideshare insurance coverage directly to Lyft drivers.

Find Yourself in a Philadelphia, PA Lyft Traffic Accident and Don’t Know What to Do?

Whether you were driving for Lyft or were hit by a Lyft driver, we can help you sort out your situation. From investigating what happened to identifying all of the responsible parties, we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

But to help you, we need you to tell us what happened. That’s why the Marrone Law Firm, LLC offers free initial consultations with one of our experienced rideshare Lyft attorneys.

You can contact us by either calling our office at 215-709-7360 or by using our website to send a message. Either way, we will quickly respond and see how we may help answer any questions you and protect your right to full compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lyft Accidents in Philadelphia, PA

FAQ: Do I need to hire an attorney if I get into a Lyft accident?

Hopefully not, but it’s something you’ll need to consider. The rideshare economy has matured over the past few years. This means it’s easier for those hurt in a Lyft car accident to obtain compensation for their medical bills and property damage.

But this doesn’t mean everything’s perfect or that car insurance companies always pay what they’re required to under the law or policy of insurance. It’s very possible for Lyft, another driver or a car insurance company to give you a hard time when seeking compensation for your injuries or vehicle damage.

Should you find yourself in this situation, you’ll definitely want to speak with an attorney and consider having them represent you. They’ll be able to assist you in obtaining the compensation you are rightfully owed under Pennsylvania law.

FAQ: If Lyft provides insurance coverage for me while I work as a Lyft driver, do I still need personal car insurance coverage?

Yes. Lyft requires its drivers to have their own personal car insurance policies. But even if Lyft didn’t have this requirement, it’s still a very good idea.

Even with Lyft’s car insurance, there may still be gaps in protection. Luckily, several car insurance companies offer rideshare policies or endorsements for Pennsylvania drivers who wish to work for a rideshare company such as Lyft.

Obtaining this extra coverage is simple and affordable. All you need to do is get in touch with your insurance agent or car insurance company. After explaining that you want rideshare coverage, they’ll be able to set everything up for you.

FAQ: Where can I find out more information on Uber & Lyft Accidents

For more information about Uber & Lyft accidents, please visit our Uber & Lyft Accident FAQ page.