How to Choose a Philadelphia, PA Car Accident Lawyer

If you find yourself wondering how to choose a car accident lawyer that’s right for you, you should know that finding one isn’t that hard. And many of the car accident attorneys in Philadelphia will do an okay job.

Ideally, anyone involved in a car accident would be made whole again, as if the accident never happened. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world or even a fair world. And that’s a major reason why we have car crash lawyers.

But how do you find the best one, who will get you the maximum amount of compensation for your losses in a car accident? There are some things to look for during your search and we’ll discuss them below. However, you’ll soon find out that the caring and knowledgeable Philadelphia car accident lawyers from the Marrone Law Firm, LLC will probably be what you’re looking for.

Why Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer for your Philadelphia, PA Car Accident?

If you get into a car accident, there are three primary reasons you’ll need an attorney to represent you.

First, you’ve been hurt and/or suffered damages to your vehicle and another driver is responsible. Pennsylvania law is like laws in the rest of the country in that individuals who are at fault for harming others should be held legally responsible. In most situations, this means the payment of money.

In many accidents, this takes place, often with the help of the at-fault driver’s car insurance company. But oftentimes, this driver will deny any wrongdoing. When this happens, you’ll probably need an attorney to obtain a recovery in court.

Second, someone else has accused you of causing an accident where they were hurt or suffered damages. And in addition to placing the blame on you, they have sued you in court to recover damages they believe you should have to pay.

Third, a car insurance company doesn’t do what it should. Sometimes it’s your own car insurance company. Other times, it’s the other driver’s car insurance company. 

Either way, you are entitled to payment for vehicle repairs, medical bills and other forms of compensation for your car accident loss. However, the car insurance company decides to disagree with you. Or, the car insurance company wrongly decides to deny you what you’re legally entitled to. 

Why do they do this? In the hopes that you’ll either go away or accept their lowball offer after making you wait. 

Some car insurance companies hope that you’ll become so desperate for any type of compensation to pay for your car repairs or medical bills that you’ll accept any offer, no matter how low or unreasonable.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, you really need to have an attorney represent you. It might seem like you can’t afford one. But in the vast majority of cases, it’ll cost you more money to try and go at it alone than get competent and experience car accident legal representation.

How to Choose a Car Accident Lawyer in Philadelphia, PA

Your search process should begin by looking in the right place. One of the best places to look is to ask friends and family who’ve hired a car accident attorney. Because these people want what’s best for you, they will be able to give an honest opinion as to their experiences with a particular attorney.

Another option is to ask for a referral. If you’ve hired an attorney in the past, such as for a business deal, real estate transaction or a divorce, they will probably know a good attorney or two who can help you with your car accident situation.

There are also places called bar associations that can help. Usually found at the county level, (such as the Philadelphia Bar Association), and the state level (like the Pennsylvania Bar Association), these professional organizations usually have an attorney directory or referral service. This can give you a good place to start looking 

Finally, there’s searching for one online using a search engine such as Google. If you’re reading this right now, that’s probably how you found our firm. So it’s safe to say this process works for how to choose the best car accident lawyer in Philadelphia, PA.

How to Choose the Best Personal Injury Attorney 

Finding the “best” lawyer is a bit of a subjective process. Part of having a good attorney is finding someone you trust and like. And in many situations, this comes down to a gut feeling and how well you get along with a particular person.

But there are certain factors to look out for when choosing the best car accident attorney. Many of these characteristics include:

  • Litigation experience: The more experience an attorney has going to court, the better. 
  • Legal area of focus: Most attorneys will focus on a particular area of the law. Look for an attorney that spends most of his or her time handling car accident and personal injury cases.
  • How the firm handles cases: Many personal injury firms are a volume-driven businesses, which means they take on as many cases as they can. If you desire personalized attention from an attorney who really cares about your situation, you’ll want to avoid these types of firms.
  • Availability: Attorneys are very busy, but they should still make time to promptly answer any questions their clients have.

Looking for a Philadelphia, PA Car Accident Attorney?

There are a lot of personal injury attorneys to choose from, especially in the Philadelphia and South Jersey area. It’s only natural you might be overwhelmed in your choices.

Let the Marrone Law Firm, LLC show you why our lawyers are among the best at helping you handle your car accident. With decades of experience, we will help you deal with insurance companies, especially the one insuring the other driver. We will also assist you in gathering information and evidence to make your case.

The initial consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose by reaching out to us. You may contact us online or call our Philadelphia office today at 215-709-7360. One of our experienced and professional car accident lawyers will promptly get in touch with you to discuss your case.

Frequently Asked Questions About Finding a Philadelphia, PA Car Accident Lawyer

FAQ: My car accident occurred a while back. Can I still take legal action?

It depends on how long ago the accident was. There’s something called a statute of limitations. This sets a deadline for when certain lawsuits can be brought.

In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for starting a car accident lawsuit is two years. If you miss this deadline, your legal right to sue may be gone.

However, there are exceptions to this rule and it’s possible that you can still file suit even if it’s been more than two years. You’ll probably need a lawyer to help you make this argument to the court, though.

FAQ: What if I want to sue someone else, but I contributed to the crash?

You may still be able to sue and recover for your losses. Pennsylvania is a “modified comparative fault” state. In plain English, this means that a plaintiff who has some fault in an accident can still sue, as long as the plaintiff’s level of fault does not exceed a certain percentage. Pennsylvania’s percentage is 51%.