Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers

Seriously injured in a car accident in PA? The Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers of the Marrone Law Firm, LLC can help.

Car accidents are common in the Keystone State, especially in Philadelphia, PA. People sometimes forget that they are driving what is basically a massive object that goes fast enough to smash through a brick building. Then there’s the fact that drivers get comfortable with driving and its familiarity.

Unfortunately, this feeling of security when on the road is misplaced. For example, in 2017, nearly 1,300 people died in car accidents in Pennsylvania. And many of these accidents were the result of careless and negligent drivers.

If you or a loved one has gotten hurt in a Pennsylvania car accident, you need to contact the experienced car accident lawyers at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC. We can help you get the compensation you need to recuperate. Whether your serious car accident took place in Philadelphia or any other place in Pennsylvania, our lawyers can help you move on with your life.

Typical Causes of Car Crashes in Philadelphia, PA

There is almost an infinite number of ways you can get into a motor vehicle accident. However, at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, we often see a pattern in how many of these accidents take place. Very often, we see the following factors play a role in causing an accident for Philadelphia drivers:

  • Distracted Driving: The cellphone has been the major culprit behind Pennsylvania car accidents in recent years. The ease of texting, internet browsing, email checking and looking at photos or videos, make it easy for drivers to take their eyes off the road. 
  • Traffic Law Violations: Traffic violations are especially serious in Philadelphia. With heavy traffic, drivers become impatient and more willing to blow through red lights and make illegal turns.
  • Driver Impairment: The most common motorist impairments in Pennsylvania are fatigue, being drunk or being high on marijuana. These can dramatically lengthen the amount of time needed to react to something that occurs while driving. Often times, an impaired driver reacts too late, if at all.
  • Vehicle Manufacturer Defects: Modern vehicles are pretty reliable machines. However, issues with brakes, tires and steering wheels can still cause accidents on the roads and highways in Philadelphia.
  • Road Design, Construction and Maintenance:  Philadelphia is a major city, which means constant road construction. This leads to limited space for drivers and pedestrians  to travel to their next destination. This road congestion makes things crazy and confusing, even more so when construction detours are up.

Common Types of Injuries Our Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers See in PA Car Accident Cases

It’s an unfortunate fact of driving that accidents happen. And when they do, injuries can easily occur. 

Much of the time, the injuries are minor and easily treatable. In other situations, those involved in an accident aren’t so lucky. The most common types of catastrophic injuries we see in Pennsylvania car accident cases include:

Pennsylvania Roads Are Getting More Dangerous

Not much longer than a decade ago, most car accidents happened due to things such as traffic violations, sudden dangerous turns, and speeding. But with the ubiquity of GPS units and cellphones, many more people are dying and getting seriously injured on the road due to distracted driving.

The sad truth is that most people think reading or sending that email message or text is worth risking their lives over. This is a regrettable way of thinking, but one that’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Some studies show that car accident fatalities have gone up by as much as 23% from a decade ago. According to PennDOT, “In 2015, there were 127,127 reportable traffic crashes in Pennsylvania, claiming the lives of 1,200 people.” 

Although 2017 saw the lowest number of reported car accident-related deaths in the past decade, the overall average is still going up. On average, approximately, three people per day are dying in car accidents in PA.

Did You Just Get Into a Car Accident? Contact the Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers at The Marrone Law Firm Today

If you were in a car accident while driving in or around Philadelphia, let the Marrone Law Firm, LLC step in and help. We will gather the evidence, get the police report and negotiate with the other person’s insurance company. Our mission will be to get you the coverage you need for your financial loss from medical bills, job loss, therapy, suffering and more. 

Contact us online or call our Philadelphia office today at 215-709-7360 to speak to one of our professional personal injury lawyers. There’s no fee for an initial consultation. During this meeting, we can discuss what happened, your rights and what your next step should be in getting you fair compensation for injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions About Philadelphia, PA Car Accidents

FAQ: Is it illegal to text while driving in Philadelphia?

Yes, but the law isn’t what it used to be. In the past, Philadelphia had its own city law that prohibited the use of a handheld device while driving or operating another type of “vehicle,” such as a scooter, bicycle or skateboard. A first-time violation resulted in a $150 fine and a second violation imposed a $300 fine.

But this law was later replaced with a state-wide law, which many argue made Philadelphia’s roads more dangerous. Under Pennsylvania law, it is illegal to read, write or send a text-based message while operating a motor vehicle that is in motion. But a violation of this law is a summary offense with only a $50 fine.

FAQ: What kind of damages can I recover if I get into an accident?

The answer to this question depends on a number of variables, such as who caused the accident, the amount of property damaged, how badly you were injured, what kind of job you have, if you’re married and so on. Pennsylvania law makes it possible to potentially recover the following types of damages:

– Medical bills
– Lost wages
– Pain and suffering
– Loss of consortium
– Vehicle repair or replacement

As you can imagine, the more serious your injuries, the more you can potentially recover. But this isn’t always the case.

For instance, if you get into an accident with someone who was driving with no car insurance and you only have state minimum coverage, you’ll be limited in how much you can recover. As the saying goes, “you can’t squeeze blood from a turnip.”

FAQ: What should I do after a car accident?

For more information on what you should do after a car accident, please visit our What To Do After a Car Accident page.

FAQ: What’s the best way to choose a car accident lawyer?

For more information on the best way to choose a car accident lawyer, please visit our How to Choose a Car Accident Lawyer page.