Philadelphia Government Investigations Lawyers

Reputable Government Investigations Lawyers Advocate for Clients in Philadelphia and Elsewhere in PA

For most, learning that they are the subject of a government investigation can be both shocking and confusing.  If you suspect that you need the advice of a lawyer specializing in government investigations, the odds are strong that you should consult one.  From the moment you suspect that you are under investigation, the actions taken by a strong and skilled government investigations lawyer can be critical to securing the most favorable outcome possible in your case.

At the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, our experienced government investigations lawyers begin our own investigation as soon as you retain our services.  We know how important it is to begin negotiations with federal agencies as soon as possible to limit the scope of the investigation—and even bring it to a halt before charges are brought if possible.

Our Philadelphia government investigations lawyers represent both individual and corporate clients.  We pride ourselves on providing intelligent, innovative solutions.

At the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, your consultation with our lawyers is completely confidential.  Our lawyers can evaluate the circumstances surrounding your suspicions and explore options for mitigating the impact of an investigation long before you are charged.  Call or contact our firm online to learn more about how our lawyers can help in your case.

Signals That You May be Targeted by a Government Investigation

The reality is that many government investigations begin well before you ever receive notice that you are under investigation.  However, there are some signs that should alert you to the fact that you are the subject of a government investigation and should seek legal advice.  Those signs include:

  • Contact from an agent of a federal agency, such as the IRS, SEC, DOL, DEA or FBI,
  • Receipt of a target letter from a federal prosecutor,
  • Receipt of a grand jury subpoena,
  • Being served with a subpoena requesting that you provide documents to the federal government or a governmental agency,
  • Being served with a search warrant to search your home, office or other property.

When faced with any of these scenarios, the best thing to do is remain silent and contact an experienced government investigations lawyer.  We are skilled in effectively advocating for clients who have been subject to government investigations involving:

  • False Claims Act issues
  • Tax evasion or fraud
  • Securities and commodities fraud
  • White collar investigations
  • Antitrust violations
  • Government procurement fraud
  • RICO
  • Money laundering
  • Privacy and cybersecurity issues
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigations
  • Anti-kickback investigations
  • Trade secret litigation
  • Mail and wire fraud
  • Healthcare fraud
  • State Attorney General investigations
  • Inspector General investigations
  • Compliance issues

We represent clients throughout the investigative stage through to resolution of the investigation, whether that resolution comes via a negotiated resolution or pursuing an aggressive defense in litigation.  When you’ve become the subject of a government investigation, we know that your reputation both personally and in business is on the line. Our government investigations lawyers are here to mitigate the impact on all facets of your life.

Skilled Government Investigations Lawyers Put Our Skills to Work for Clients in Philadelphia, PA

When you have become the subject of a government investigation, you are likely facing a new and intimidating situation.  At the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, our white collar and government investigations lawyers are knowledgeable about handling these sensitive and complex issues.  

When you retain our services, you can expect that we will:

  • Conduct our own independent investigation to uncover evidence that may work in your favor
  • Obtain evidence that the government has relied upon in instigating and continuing the investigation
  • Analyze the relevant legal basis for the investigation to poke holes in the government’s theory
  • Communicate with the agency responsible for the investigation
  • Communicate with you so that you have a full understanding of your case proceedings, whether the ramifications are criminal or civil in nature
  • Explain what is likely to happen in your case and options for mitigating any damage caused by the investigation
  • Advocate vigorously on your behalf to reach the most advantageous outcome possible

At the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, our white collar defense lawyers are known for providing top-level representation to our clients in Philadelphia, both at the federal and state level.  We have effectively helped hundreds of clients resolve complex issues and stand ready to go to work in your case.

Schedule a Confidential Consultation with the Philadelphia Government Investigations Lawyers at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC

The top priority of our Philadelphia white collar and government investigations lawyers is to resolve your case without charges being filed.  In cases where resolution without charges is not possible, we are fully prepared to put the full weight of our considerable resources to work in our fight to secure a favorable resolution.

Time is of the essence in these cases—because the longer you wait to get a lawyer on your side, the more time the government has to gather evidence to support a charge.  If you suspect or have received notice that you are the subject of a government investigation, call our office today for a confidential consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Philadelphia Government Investigations

FAQ: What should I do if agents show up at my home or office with a search warrant as a result of a government investigation?

It is important that you are cooperative in allowing access. However, you should not speak to the agents or volunteer any information. The search warrant may give them access to your belongings, but it does not give them the right to question you. Once the search is concluded, you should request a search warrant return, which is a listing of anything seized as a result of the search. At this stage, it is also important to retain an experienced government investigations lawyer if you have not already done so. We can take over negotiations and advise you of your options going forward.

FAQ: What should I do if I have been contacted by a representative of a government agency, but I think someone else is the actual subject of the investigation?

You should still contact an experienced government investigations lawyer even if you believe you are being questioned in an investigation targeting someone else. You should also refrain from answering questions without speaking to a lawyer. Even if you are not currently the subject of the investigation, statements that you make could potentially implicate you or your business in ways that you might not realize. We can advise you about the government’s likely intent with respect to the investigation and help limit your exposure.