Philadelphia Electrician Workplace Accident Lawyer

Experienced Workplace Accident Lawyers Represent Injured Electricians in Philadelphia

Electricians perform the important work of bringing power from the generation plants to our offices and homes. Unfortunately, electrical work is a very risky profession, as even one small thing going wrong can result in a lifelong or fatal injury for an electrician. Even the most well-trained and experienced electricians are at risk for a workplace accident anytime they go to work. In addition to the risk of electrocution from electrical work, electricians are at risk of other injuries when they are at a worksite at someone’s home or office due to dangerous or hazardous conditions at the worksite.

The workplace accident attorneys of Marrone Law Firm, LLC understand that electricians injured in workplace accidents can find themselves in a unique position. The facts and circumstances in an injured electrician’s case may complicate their efforts to obtain compensation for their workplace accident injuries. For example, many electricians work as independent contractors, which can potentially render an injured electrician ineligible for workers’ compensation and can make it difficult to determine which parties may be liable to you for compensation for your injuries.

If you are an electrician injured in a workplace accident that occurs while performing electrical work at someone’s home or place of business, you deserve to receive compensation for your injuries, especially if your injuries are caused by some hazard at the work site other than the electrical systems you were working on. Our dedicate workplace accident attorneys will fight to ensure you receive fair and full compensation for your injuries. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about your legal rights and options.

Common Injury Risks for Electricians in Philadelphia, PA

When an electrician has to perform electrical work at a work site such as a commercial property, an office building, or a home, there is a significant risk of injury not only from electrocution but also from other hazards at the property where the electrician is working. Some common injury risks that electricians in Philadelphia face include:

  • Electrocution: Most obviously, an electrician faces the risk of electrocution. Electrocution can easily cause severe nerve damage and burns. With enough current, electrocution can also be fatal. 
  • Slip and fall accidents: Electricians also face the risk of slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents, especially when they perform work at active construction or renovation sites. Even when performing repair work at a commercial or residential property, an electrician can suffer a slip/trip-and-fall accident when the property is not properly maintained.
  • Repetitive stress injuries: Electricians are often required to move heavy equipment and materials and perform repetitive motions as part of their job. This physical effort can easily result in repetitive stress injuries that cause muscle, tendon, and ligament strains and tears.
  • Falls from heights: Electricians face the risk of falls from heights when they are required to perform work on suspended electrical cables, or when they perform electrical work at construction sites.

When an electrician is injured in a workplace accident in Philadelphia, our legal team can help them understand their avenues for compensation for their injuries. 

Dedicated Workplace Accident Lawyers of Marrone Law Firm, LLC Vigorously Fight to Obtain Compensation for Injured Electricians in Philadelphia, PA

As a general rule, when a worker is injured in the course of his or her employment, he or she will be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Employers are required to ensure that their eligible employees receive workers’ compensation when they are injured on the job. However, many electricians work as independent contractors, working as a sole proprietor or having been classified as an independent contractor by the company they work for.

At Marrone Law Firm, LLC, our workplace accident attorneys have experience helping injured electricians and can help you determine whether, under the facts of your case, you are entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. If workers’ compensation is not an option for you, we can help you explore and pursue other avenues of compensation, such as Social Security disability benefits or a personal injury claim, if the facts of your case present a viable personal injury claim.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation with a Knowledgeable Electrician Workplace Accident Lawyer

If you are an electrician who has suffered an injury on the job in Philadelphia, the experienced workplace accident attorneys of Marrone Law Firm, LLC may be able to help you obtain compensation to facilitate the recovery process for your injuries. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a member of our legal team to discuss your case in further detail and to learn more about how we can help you pursue options to recover compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Electrician Workplace Accidents

FAQ: I was injured while performing work on someone’s property. Can I recover compensation if I’m not covered by workers’ compensation?

Even if you don’t have access to workers’ compensation benefits, you may be able to seek compensation for a workplace accident that occurs at a work site. If you were injured by a hazard at the worksite, such as wet or slippery flooring that caused a slip-and-fall, or a falling piece of equipment, you may be entitled to assert a personal injury claim against the property owner or the owner of the hazard that caused your injury, as may be applicable. If you assert a premises liability claim against a property owner, the owner’s insurance policy, whether a homeowners’ policy for a residential property or a commercial general liability policy for a commercial property, may be available to provide compensation.

FAQ: Do I need an attorney if I’m injured on the job while working as an electrician in Philadelphia?

A lawyer may be critical for an electrician injured on the job when various parties try to disclaim liability to pay compensation for the electrician’s injuries. Because many electricians work as independent contractors, workers’ compensation benefits may not be available. However, in some circumstances, the electrician’s company may have inappropriately classified the injured electrician as an independent contractor under Pennsylvania law. An experienced attorney can help you determine whether you were properly classified under labor laws and whether you may have other sources of compensation you can pursue in your case, depending on the circumstances of your injury.