Weinstein Pleads Not Guilty to Reinstated Sexual Assault Charge

Weinstein Pleads Not Guilty to Reinstated Sexual Assault Charge

Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein appeared in court recently to plead not guilty to a reinstated sexual assault charge. 

Charge Originally Dismissed on Statute of Limitations Grounds

The trial judge had dismissed a sexual battery charge after Weinstein’s attorneys successfully moved to dismiss the charge on statute of limitations grounds. Weinstein is currently being held in a Los Angeles jail, as he is currently serving a 23-year sentence from a sexual assault conviction in New York in February 2020. Weinstein was later extradited from New York to California to stand trial on additional sexual assault charges. 

Weinstein Pleads Not Guilty After Charge Reinstated

Weinstein’s sexual battery charge was reinstated after the grand jury amended the indicted charge to include an incident from 2010. In addition to pleading not guilty again to the reinstated charge, Weinstein also agreed to waive certain deadlines, acknowledging that his trial date could be as late as April 2022.

Prosecution Seeks to Admit Testimony from Uncharged Victims

The prosecution also filed a motion with the trial court to admit the testimony of several of Weinstein’s alleged victims who were not covered by the 11 charges Weinstein was facing. Prosecutors sought to admit the testimony in support of the five women whose claims formed the basis for Weinstein’s charges. 

Weinstein’s lawyers stated their intention to oppose the prosecution’s motion, arguing that the prosecution was “trying to throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at him” and was “opening up a water cannon of allegations against Mr. Weinstein through numerous uncharged alleged victims.”

How Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Help You If You Have Been Charged with Sexual Assault?

If you have been arrested for or charged with sex crimes in Pennsylvania, you need to speak to an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. A criminal defense attorney can help you by:

  • Explaining your legal rights and options, the potential outcomes to your charges, and what you can expect throughout the criminal justice process.
  • Advising you on whether to cooperate with investigators and protecting your rights and interests during questioning and during the police and prosecution’s investigation.
  • Thoroughly investigating the facts and circumstances underlying your charges to recover all available evidence, not simply relying on the evidence turned over by the prosecution.
  • Reviewing your case to identify all potential factual and legal defenses to your charges.
  • Challenging every facet of the state’s case, including moving to exclude evidence as irrelevant or unlawfully obtained, to try to have your charges reduced or dismissed.
  • Where appropriate, negotiating with the prosecution to try to reach a plea deal that allows you to avoid the worst consequences of a conviction so that you can get back to your family and your life as soon as possible.
  • Advocating your defense in court and at trial to fight to secure an acquittal for you.

A sexual assault conviction can have effects on the rest of your life. You need a criminal defense attorney to help protect your freedom and your future. 

Contact an Experienced Philadelphia Criminal Defense Lawyer About Your Sexual Assault Charges

Were you arrested or charged with sexual assault in Pennsylvania? The consequences of a conviction could be severe, leaving you with a permanent criminal record and possibly even sending you to jail. That is why you need to speak with a qualified criminal defense attorney as soon as possible about your case. The attorneys at Marrone Law Firm, LLC have represented clients charged with sexual assault in Philadelphia, Center City, University City, and throughout Pennsylvania. Call (866) 732-6700 or fill out the online contact form to schedule a consultation with a member of our legal team. We have an office conveniently located at 200 South Broad Street, Suite 400, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.