Teenagers Charged with Carjacking and Murder in Death of UberEats Driver in Washington, DC

teen girls charged in murder of uber eats driver

Two teen girls in Washington D.C. were charged with the carjacking and murder of an UberEats driver. The case raises questions about who can be held liable for the wrongful death of drivers working for the UberEats service.

Teens Charged after Tasing UberEats Driver

Mohammad Anwar, 66, was killed in late March 2021 by two teenage girls, ages 13 and 15, who allegedly attempted to carjack Anwar by tasing him near the Navy Yard metro station in Washington DC. The carjacking attempt caused a rollover crash that killed Anwar. 

One of two girls admitted to intending to steal a car, but blamed the other teen for throwing the vehicle into gear and swerving the car, ultimately resulting in Anwar being crushed to death. 

Following the incident involving Anwar, a Pakistani immigrant, the American Pakistani Public Affairs Committee urged police to investigate Anwar’s death as a possible hate crime.

What Is Uber’s Liability for Wrongful Death of Its Drivers?

Uber is required by state law to provide auto insurance that covers its vehicles and drivers, which may provide compensation to the family of an UberEats driver who is killed at work, depending on the circumstances of their death. If an UberEats driver is logged into the mobile application, Uber provides bodily injury/death liability coverage of up to $50,000 for the driver themselves. If an UberEats driver is driving to pick up or drop off a delivery, the insurance coverage increases to $1 million of bodily injury/death liability coverage, plus $1 million in uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. However, this insurance coverage will likely only be available for an UberEats’ driver’s death caused by a motor vehicle accident

Traditionally, UberEats drivers were classified by Uber as independent contractors, meaning that the company had no liability in the event a driver was killed while working for Uber. But over the past couple of years, courts in an increasing number of states have ruled that Uber and UberEats drivers should be classified as employees, not independent contractors. If UberEats drivers are classified as employees, then if they are killed in the course and scope of working for Uber, the company can be held liable to pay death benefits under Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation system, regardless of who may have been responsible for causing the driver’s death.

Compensation Available for Families in a Wrongful Death Claim

Families who bring a wrongful death claim when their loved one is killed while working for the UberEats service may be entitled to recover compensation for losses they and their loved one’s estate have incurred due to the decedent’s passing, including for:

  • Hospital and medical expenses incurred to treat the decedent’s fatal injuries
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Estate administration costs
  • Loss of the decedent’s expected financial contributions to the family, including benefits such as health insurance or pension benefits
  • The value of household services performed by the decedent
  • Loss of the decedent’s guidance, comfort, and society
  • Conscious pain and suffering experienced by the decedent prior to their death
  • Pain and suffering experienced by family members

Contact a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer to Discuss Your Wrongful Death Case in Pennsylvania

Did you and your family have a loved one suffer fatal injuries in Pennsylvania? Don’t let bills pile up while you wait for the negligent party or their insurance company to do the right thing. Right now, you need an aggressive personal injury attorney on your side, fighting to get you the compensation you need, want, and deserve. The skilled attorneys at Marrone Law Firm, LLC represent clients in Philadelphia, Center City, University City, and throughout Pennsylvania. Call (866) 732-6700 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case. We have an office conveniently located at 200 S. Broad St., Suite 400, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

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