Stay Safe on the Highways With These Thanksgiving Travel Tips

Stay Safe on the Highways with These Thanksgiving Travel Tips

Millions of motorists hit the road every year to travel somewhere for Thanksgiving, whether that be visiting family and friends for holiday dinner, or going somewhere for vacation over the holiday weekend. If you will be traveling somewhere this Thanksgiving holiday, here are some tips to keep in mind to help keep yourself and your passengers safe out on the highway.

Tips for Thanksgiving Road Travel Safety

  1. Prepare your vehicle. If your vehicle hasn’t been recently serviced, going on a long road trip is a good excuse to bring your car in for regular servicing. Before you set off, check your vehicle fluids and make sure that your lights and wipers work. Ensuring that your vehicle is in good working order can avoid leaving you stranded or getting into an accident because of a mechanical failure. 
  2. Plan your trip. Know what route you are going to take and review what exits and turns you will need to make, so that you don’t have to try to cut across a busy highway to avoid missing your exit or turn. Also check the traffic and weather conditions along your route before you leave. Try to leave a little earlier so that you don’t have to worry or stress about being delayed by traffic.
  3. Pack an emergency kit. On a long road trip, make sure you have an emergency kit in your vehicle that is equipped with a flashlight, gloves, jumper cables, jack and/or tire repair kit, a first aid kit, blankets, bottled water, flares or hazard triangles, and battery packs to recharge your cell phone. 
  4. Remember to keep your eyes on the road at all times. Avoid distracted driving behaviors such as eating or drinking or using your cell phone. If you feel hungry, that might be a good signal to stop for a break on a long road journey. If you need to use your cell phone, only do so with hands-free systems; otherwise, pull over into a rest stop or parking lot if you must type something on your phone. 
  5. Avoid driving in bad or extreme weather, such as ice, snow or heavy fog, especially at night. If the weather conditions get really bad on your journey, pull over into a rest stop or parking lot as soon as possible to wait out the weather. 
  6. Clear ice and snow from your windows and the top of your vehicle. Clearing all your windows will ensure that you have visibility on the road, while clearing snow from the top of your vehicle will prevent it from falling onto the highway and creating a hazard to other motorists.
  7. Slow down and leave extra distance in between yourself and other vehicles, especially when driving in low-traction conditions such as in rainy or snowy conditions or on cold mornings where there may be frost or black ice on the highway.
  8. Avoid unsafe or reckless driving behaviors such as tailgating, undertaking, or turning or changing lanes without signaling.
  9. Remember to take regular breaks on long road journeys to stretch and get some fresh air, water, and food. If traveling with other drivers, consider trading off driving duties so that everyone can stay fresh and alert behind the wheel. 

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Did you or a loved one sustain serious injuries due to a car accident in Pennsylvania? Don’t let the medical bills pile up while you wait for the negligent party or their insurance company to do the right thing. Right now, you need an aggressive personal injury attorney on your side, fighting to get you the compensation you need, want, and deserve. The skilled attorneys at Marrone Law Firm, LLC represent clients injured because of car accidents in Philadelphia, Center City, University City, and throughout Pennsylvania. Call 215-607-2626 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case. We have an office conveniently located at 200 S. Broad St., Suite 400, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

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