Philadelphia Biking Safety & Accident Prevention

Biking is a great way to enjoy a nice day, get in a good workout, and a popular way of commuting. It was recently announced that an expansion of Philadelphia’s Indego bike share program will be taking place in the coming months. Streets Commissioner David Perri also announced a plan to add 10 miles of protected bike lanes throughout Philadelphia this year. With programs such as these, an already popular way to navigate around town is sure to see an influx in the coming years.

With that said, biking in high traffic areas and throughout the city isn’t always the safest manner of transportation. In 2013, there were 48,000 biker injuries and 743 fatalities in motor vehicle traffic accidents. That is nearly two people killed per day. 68% of these accidents occurred in urban areas.

Let’s just say, traffic accidents involving bikers typically don’t end with the biker walking away from the scene. With limited bodily protection, bikers are at risk for suffering severe, and potentially deadly, injuries. Make sure to wear a helmet. Use caution when riding along with motor vehicles. Follow traffic laws and use proper hand signals.

Bike safely this summer!

Biking Safety Facy Sheet