Featured Blog

City of Philadelphia Facing Multiple Claims of Wrongful Conviction

The City of Philadelphia has been at the center of several high profile cases over the past couple of months involving individuals serving time for murder convictions who had their convictions vacated on appeal.  Walter Ogrod Sues City of Philadelphia after Overturning His Murder Conviction Walter Ogrod, represented by the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, was…

  • Herniated Discs & Back Pain

    It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon and you’re on your way to the baseball game with your wife and two children. There is nothing much better than sun, baseball and family in your book. You come to a light and stop. A minute later your car is hit from behind, hard. You ask yourself what happened,…

  • Summer Safety: Unqualified Lifeguards

    You have been able to save enough to go on a family vacation for a week with your wife and two children. You book a wonderful trip to the beach. The hotel is a little pricey but it is worth it for the water park that is attached. Your kids will get to have the…

  • The Victims of Texting & Driving

    Imagine your son is on his way over to visit for the entire weekend. You haven’t seen him since he moved out of state so you’ve been excited for weeks. He was supposed to arrive thirty minutes ago and you haven’t heard from him. Finally the phone rings with some bad news. Your son was…

  • Water Safety Tip – Jet Skiing & Parasailing

    It’s finally summertime and after a cold and harsh winter, everyone is excited to head to the beach and soak up the sun. Summer is a great time to try new activities, especially water sports that are limited to warmer months and climates. While you’re having fun and soaking up vitamin D during your summer…

  • Distracted Driving Epidemic

    Have you ever stopped at a red light and the driver next to you is busy changing the radio station, putting on makeup, checking the GPS, or talking on their cell phone (we could go on)? We see this type of distracted driving as the root cause of motor vehicle accidents all of the time.…

  • Senate Passes Bill to Raise Auto Limits

    Yesterday, the Senate passed SB 928, a bill to amend the Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law to increase the minimum auto insurance limits in Pennsylvania. The bill raises limits for accidents arising out of the maintenance or use of a motor vehicle as follows: Injury to any one person in any one accident raised from…

  • The Consequences of Texting & Driving

    It’s Friday evening and you’re finally heading home for the weekend after one of the busiest work weeks you’ve had all year. All you want to do is get home and relax, but you’re stuck in traffic. You get an important text from a client you’ve been waiting to hear from and you glance down…

  • Philadelphia Biking Safety & Accident Prevention

    Biking is a great way to enjoy a nice day, get in a good workout, and a popular way of commuting. It was recently announced that an expansion of Philadelphia’s Indego bike share program will be taking place in the coming months. Streets Commissioner David Perri also announced a plan to add 10 miles of…

  • The Lifelong Cost of a Broken Bone

    Breaking a bone is awful, even a tiny break in your little finger can hurt for weeks and leave the finger feeling weak. What’s worse is a severe fracture that requires surgery. Even if you have the best surgeon in the world there are some quality of life issues that can spring up for months,…

  • Assumption of Liability & the Baseball Rule

    Imagine you’re at the Phillies game, and you have really great seats. You have your nachos, your drink, and you’ve got a great view from between home and 3rd. Your best man has planned the perfect bachelor party, and you’re ready to enjoy it. There’s a fast ball and Ruiz looks ready for it. He…