Nearly 3,000 Communities Affected by Lead Levels Higher Than Flint

Nearly 3000 US communities are affected by lead levels higher than those found in Flint, Michigan, a Reuters investigation reports. Investigators discovered that many communities carried lead levels that were twice as high as Flint’s, and determined that over 1000 town’s lead levels rated four times higher. The areas studied encompass states spanning from Pennsylvania to Texas. Despite the presence of what officials classify as “legacy lead,” which means the lead originated from old industrial waste, crumbling paint, and corrosive pipes, the rising number of communities fail to receive attention or resolution of these matters. Although mostly poor families and communities garner more lead exposure, lead contamination affects everyone.

Exposure to lead negatively affects children, causing developmental and intellectual disabilities that stay with them their whole lives. Some researchers suggest that lead exposure may raise the rates of social and behavioral problems, which lead to higher incidences of juvenile delinquency and crime. Adults also develop neurological deficits that interfere with their quality of life.

If you or a loved one developed disabilities or medical illnesses due to lead exposure, contact a skilled environmental lawyer at Marrone Law Firm, LLC at 866-732-6700. Contact us online for a free initial consultation to learn how we can help.