Michael Pomerantz

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phone: 215-732-6700
Fax: 215-732-7660
Email: mpomerantz@marronelaw.com

Michael D. Pomerantz has been litigating and trying cases on behalf of individuals in Pennsylvania and New Jersey for over twenty years. He is a graduate of Brown University (‘94) and the Temple University School of Law (’98). In law school he studied trial advocacy under Professor Edward Ohlbaum, who taught Michael how to bring strength and confidence to the clients and causes he would soon be championing in the courtroom. Michael also served as a teaching assistant for more junior trial advocacy students at Temple Law.

Following law school, Michael worked at the boutique personal injury firm of Currie and McLafferty, here he assisted in all aspects of case preparation, discovery, arbitration, and trial. In one trial he handled on his own, he was able to secure a six-figure verdict against an insurance company that was attempting to deny benefits to a catastrophically injured child.  

Michael’s next job was at the Marrone Law Firm where he began a period of development that has taken him to the highest levels of civil litigation. In addition to continuing to represent injured individuals against big businesses and powerful insurance companies, Michael also began a passionate practice in the complicated and challenging world of civil rights litigation and Federal Constitutional law. In this regard, Michael has represented individuals who have been victims of unjustified and excessive police violence, and those subject to other violations of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment.

Michael practices before Federal and state courts throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey.