Catastrophic Injury Lawyers Philadelphia, PA

Suffering from a Severe Fracture, Disfigurement, or Paralysis? Our Experienced Pennsylvania Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help You Get Compensated

A serious injury such as a broken bone, burn injury, or amputation injury is extraordinarily stressful for most people. A serious injury is likely to require specialized emergency care, perhaps surgery, long-term treatment, therapy, and a lengthy recuperation. An injured person will probably not be able to work or enjoy life for a prolonged period of time. Pain management or adaptation to mild disabilities can be more difficult than many realize.

If you have been seriously injured due to another’s negligence, left unable to work or with extended disability, contact the Marrone Law Firm, LLC. We can help you get the compensation you deserve. The good news about a serious personal injury is that many accident victims do recover and resume a normal lifestyle. Some recover completely. If the Marrone Law Firm, LLC represents you after a car accident or an accident involving a defective product, you can rest assured that we will fight hard on your behalf. For more than 25 years, Joseph M. Marrone and his associates have been standing up for the rights people that have a experienced catastrophic injury . We want you to be able to afford the finest medical care and follow doctors’ orders, even if that means staying off your feet for months.

A Catastrophic Injury Can Alter the Lifestyle of a Whole Family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A catastrophic injury, both permanent and life-altering, is a different matter altogether. If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, such as a head injury or a spinal cord injury, you can expect you and your family’s entire lifestyle to be drastically altered. Think of Gabrielle Giffords, unable to return to her position as a U.S. senator after being shot in the head at a public political forum, or Christopher Reeve, the actor who had played “Superman” before suffering a spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed for the rest of his life. Both put a face on catastrophic injuries, but many other people without financial means have suffered similar losses. Talk to an attorney at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC about your life-changing injury, whether it can be considered a serious injury or a catastrophic injury.

Free Consultation with an Experienced Philly Personal Injury Attorney About Your Catastrophic Injuries

Was your life drastically altered after being injured in a severe accident? Our Pennsylvania catastrophic injury lawyers at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC are highly experienced with cases involving all types of injuries. We invite you to contact us to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your situation.